
The Supremes’ greatest hits – gay marriage, affordable health care

The Roberts’ Supremes – such a funny bunch. Photograph by Steve Petteway.

The Roberts’ Supremes – such a funny bunch. Photograph by Steve Petteway.

We live in interesting times. Yesterday the Supreme Court upheld the Affordable Care Act, 6-3. Chief John Roberts, you’re my new hero. This is actually the second time you’ve saved Obamacare, so I’m playing Britney Spears “Oops!...I Did It Again” just for you.

But then… you lose points for voting against gay marriage (5-4 in favor though, yeah!) and then there was that whole Aztec reference – a slippery slope, don’t you think? The Aztecs believed in ripping out the beating hearts of the conquered and the sacrificed and donning their eviscerated skins. I wouldn’t go there.

But then the dissenting Supremes were all over the place on the gay thing, what with references to hippies and the notion that California is not part of the American West (Justice Antonin Scalia), along with the idea that slaves didn’t lose any dignity by being enslaved (Justice Clarence Thomas). Earth to Justice Thomas: I think they did. (Honestly, he and Scalia are like a pair of grumpy uncles.) But grumpy or not, as I’ve said before, you just can’t have people gay-married in some states and not in others. It’s chaos. Gay marriage is an idea whose time has come.

Bottom line: It was a great day for humanists. I’m going to go out and hug a hippie.