James Murdock of 21st Century Fox
“What a week” as “Washington Week” anchor Robert Costa would say. Last Saturday, we saw the worst of America, with neo-Nazis leading to the death of three people at a keep-the-Confederate-statues rally, so-called, in Charlottesville.
But since then the country has rallied around the counter-protest. Democrats and Republicans alike have denounced President Donald J. Trump’s there-was-bad-on-many-sides response to the Charlottesville tragedy. Business CEOs have exited his advisory council and one – James Murdoch, CEO of 21st Century Fox and son of archconservative Rupert – has pledged $1 million to the Anti-Defamation League and has urged his fellow 1-Percenters to do likewise. Military leaders have come out to say that racism has no place in their world. Two Kennedy Center honorees said they wouldn’t attend the accompanying reception at the White House. Steve Bannon is gone.
And this Saturday, counter-protesters flooded the streets from Boston to Portland to tell the white supremacists “Not here. Not now. Not ever.”
Of course, there were those conservatives who were worried about the free speech of the neo-Nazis. But hate speech is not free speech.
The presidency may have gone fascist but America will not – and that should give us all hope.