George Papadopoulos wanted to be center of attention. Now he is – in the worst possible way.
Ah, the emails.
Not Hill emails this time but Russkie emails. We know they are Russkie emails, because the subject line of George Papadopoulos’ emails to three Trump campaign officials was “Russia updates.” In hindsight, that was probably not a good idea.
On Monday, we learned that Papadopoulos had pled guilty to lying to the FBI about his efforts to broker a relationship between the Trump campaign and Russian President Vladimir “Vladdie Rootin’ Tootin’” Putin in his guise as an unpaid foreign policy adviser. Papadopoulos is now cooperating with Robert S. Mueller III’s investigation into possible collusion between the Trumpettes and the Russkies. This is not good news for Trumpet.
And it came out of left field. The charges of conspiracy, money laundering and fraud against former campaign chairman Paul Manafort and his business partner Rick Gates were no surprise, given Manafort’s work on behalf of pro-Russkie former Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych. (Manafort and Gates have pled not guilty.) But the Papadopoulos stuff has legs and implications as per The New York Times:
“There’s a large-scale, ongoing investigation of which this case is a small part,” Aaron S.J. Zelinsky, a prosecutor on Mr. Mueller’s team, said at Mr. Papadopoulos’s plea hearing this month. The transcript of the hearing was released on Monday.
“It is now clear, from Mr. Papadopoulos’s admission and emails related to a meeting at Trump Tower in June 2016, that the Russian government offered help to Mr. Trump’s candidacy and campaign officials were willing to take it.”
All of which has nothing to do with Trump, Papadopoulos had a brief, minor function on the campaign, Mano-who?, yada, yada, yada, according to Trumpet and sour-faced mouthpiece Sarah Huckabee Sanders. (Does that woman ever smile?)
And furthermore, Hillary, Benghazi, Obama, uranium, The Clinton Foundation, emails, oops.
How the wheel turns. Trumpet and the Trumpettes thought you could play fast and loose. But what works in the flimflam business world doesn’t serve the presidency.
He wanted to be center of attention. Well, now he is – in the worst possible way.