
Fighting through the ‘Fire and Fury’

The nor’easter that raged this week from the Gulf of Mexico to Rhode Island isn’t the only storm that broke. There were gale force winds at the White House as Michael Wolff’s “Fire and Fury” hit bookstores, with Wolff, an author-reporter known for playing fast and loose with the truth, and former kingmaker Steve Bannon portraying President Donald J. Trump as a baby who must be coddled by a staff that is alternately self-sacrificing and opportunistic. ...

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Trump and the soundtrack of our lives

What can you say about the past week in Washington D.C. except that God is the best screenwriter. I mean, who else could come up with such a beta-ameloid and tau tangle of plot twists and turns replete with a depth of characters – which is not the same as depth of character.

In the latest scene in our saga, Don Donald Trumpet – cue “The Godfather” theme – had sought an oath of loyalty from would-be consigliere James Comey. But Comey had demurred, necessitating his “termination.” ...

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Burying the dead: Trump, Apple and Aristotelian logic

What a week it’s been for illogic in the power game men play.

Donald Trump was miffed – though apparently only temporarily – by Pope Frankie’s smackdown. And Apple was miffed by the government’s demand that it unlock the encrypted iPhone of one of the San Bernardino terrorists. (I love how these terrorists are always so “oppressed.” And yet, they can afford iPhones.)

But first, follow Pope Francis’ thinking:

To be a Christian is to follow the teachings of Jesus Christ.

Jesus preached compassion and inclusion.

Donald “We’re going to build a great, big, beautiful wall” Trump is about exclusion.

Therefore, Donald Trump is not a Christian in the truest sense of the word. ...

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