Is there anyone who hasn’t talked to the Russians? I’m beginning to think I had a conversation with the Ruskies without realizing it. I love red, the Russian color of beauty, and, of course, the ballet, which the Russians perfected. The greatest American choreographer was the Russian-born, Communist-fleeing George Balanchine, who used to say it was a pleasure to pay taxes to the United States. He must be pirouetting in his grave at the twisted choreography coming out of Washington D.C. these days.
Attorney General Jeff Sessions has recused himself from investigating the Trump Administration’s ties to the Russians, because he himself talked with Russian envoy Sergey Kislyak. Or maybe not. Or maybe he did but he can’t remember what he said. Who remembers conversations? Anyway, it was before he joined Team Trump. Or maybe it happened when the dog ate his homework. ...
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