

As Lent ends and the Easter season begins today with Christians celebrating Jesus’ Resurrection, TV has once again presented its share of documentaries and films about Jesus’ Passion.

PBS’ “Last Days of Jesus” offers a detailed consideration of what it meant to die by crucifixion. I now no longer watch such scenes, just as I no longer watch horror movies. “Those of us who have more yesterdays than tomorrows,” as President Bill Clinton put it at the Democratic National Convention this past summer, prefer to dwell on happier circumstances. Not that we eschew suffering. Indeed, the surest way to prolong suffering is the refusal to endure it. It’s just that we no longer feel the need to go out of our way to create or endure needless suffering. ...

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Burying the dead: Trump, Apple and Aristotelian logic

What a week it’s been for illogic in the power game men play.

Donald Trump was miffed – though apparently only temporarily – by Pope Frankie’s smackdown. And Apple was miffed by the government’s demand that it unlock the encrypted iPhone of one of the San Bernardino terrorists. (I love how these terrorists are always so “oppressed.” And yet, they can afford iPhones.)

But first, follow Pope Francis’ thinking:

To be a Christian is to follow the teachings of Jesus Christ.

Jesus preached compassion and inclusion.

Donald “We’re going to build a great, big, beautiful wall” Trump is about exclusion.

Therefore, Donald Trump is not a Christian in the truest sense of the word. ...

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