
Picking global winners and losers

For someone who’s an isolationist and protectionist, President Donald J. Trump sure has an odd way of showing it. He appointed son-in-law Jared Kushner to lead the White House’s Mideast peace team only to sabotage any chance of achieving that goal by moving the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem, thereby acknowledging Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and enraging the Palestinians.

While Kushner and wife Ivanka Trump were celebrating the dedication of the American embassy there yesterday on the 70th anniversary of the founding of Israel – along with preacher John Hagee, who once said that all Jews were going to Hell – the Palestinians in turn clashed with Israeli soldiers 40 miles away in Gaza where more than 50 were killed and more than 1,000 injured. …

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Don Rodolfo Giuliani de la Mancha,  a tragicomedy in two acts

Tragedy, they say, returns as farce and so it is with Rudolph Giuliani – former New York City prosecutor and “America’s mayor” – who in defending his new client President Donald J. Trumpet to “Fox News’” Sean Hannity contradicted him on the Stormy Daniels matter, perhaps putting him in legal jeopardy. More tellingly, Rudy Two Shoes told Hannity he might have “to get on my charger and go into (Robert Mueller’s) offices with a lance” to defend his damsel in distress, his Dulcinea – Ivanka Trump. (I think I speak for women everywhere when I say Ivanka can take care of herself.) …

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They went to Jared

In the sentimental commercials for Jared, the so-called “Galleria of Jewelry,” the prospective hubby knows where to go for the ring that will get bride-zilla to say “yes.”

“He went to Jared’s,” her voiceover says, quivering with emotion. “He went to Jared’s.”

I doubt Jared Kushner went to Jared’s for Ivanka’s engagement ring, and therein may lie the problem. “The rich are different from you and me,” said F. Scott Fitzgerald, who knew a thing or two about them. “Yes,” Ernest Hemingway replied, “they have more money.” ...

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Repeal and replace – DOA

Anyone who saw the furious recent town halls between the Republicans and their constituents knew that the repeal and replacement of the Affordable Care Act – otherwise known as Obamacare – would explode in the faces of the Repubs. The rushed proposal spearheaded by Ayn Rand-reading House Speaker Paulie “PowerPoint Presentation” Ryan would’ve deprived 24 million people of health care, according to the bipartisan Congressional Budget Office. But that was not Draconian enough for the Repubs’ Freedom Caucus (alias the Tea Party 1.5), which is its own little world of “no.”

Enter Strongman-in-Chief President Trumpet, who, along with Paulie PowerPoint, informed the No, No Nanettes that it was repeal and replace or live with Obamacare “for the foreseeable future.” ...

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The Trump Administration’s ‘Red Dawn’

Is there anyone who hasn’t talked to the Russians? I’m beginning to think I had a conversation with the Ruskies without realizing it. I love red, the Russian color of beauty, and, of course, the ballet, which the Russians perfected. The greatest American choreographer was the Russian-born, Communist-fleeing George Balanchine, who used to say it was a pleasure to pay taxes to the United States. He must be pirouetting in his grave at the twisted choreography coming out of Washington D.C. these days.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions has recused himself from investigating the Trump Administration’s ties to the Russians, because he himself talked with Russian envoy Sergey Kislyak. Or maybe not. Or maybe he did but he can’t remember what he said. Who remembers conversations? Anyway, it was before he joined Team Trump. Or maybe it happened when the dog ate his homework. ...

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