
‘A night of beauty’…and memories

Well, it was a triumph, if I do say so myself. (Not that I’m prejudiced, of course.)

But my “Night of Beauty” at Bloomingdale’s – which featured a reading from my new novel “Water Music” – went, well, swimmingly. It helped that I had an appreciative audience of friends and co-workers and especially my sisters Jana and Gina. My heart leapt when I saw them. You know what a sister is? A sister is someone who comes all the way from Washington D.C. or leaves her event early in Connecticut just to hear you read. Because that’s what sisters do. (Afterward we went out for dinner in the neighborhood and fell into an easy conversation. It never ceases to amaze me that no matter how long we’ve been apart, it’s like we were talking five minutes ago. Because that’s what sisters are.)

“A Night of Beauty” was a night for sisters and the sisterhood of all women.


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